Did you know that in Australia, men die in greater numbers than women from almost every non-sex specific health problem?
The over 65 years age group is the only one in which women outnumber the men, and this is only because so many men die before retirement!

Empower Physiotherapy is committed to contributing to improve the health and well-being of men in the local community. We believe men should live to enjoy their retirements with their significant other!

Because men are men, we are notoriously reluctant to seek out professional health care – let alone for some of the more sensitive conditions that can challenge us. This means we are left seeking advice about the ins and outs of our ‘ins and outs’ with our mates, and that’s not likely to happen either!

As a result of the “macho” ideal, combined with our reluctance to go to the doctor (we couldn’t just take time off work, could we?), many men leave their perfectly treatable conditions undetected and undiagnosed. This means the conditions not only go on causing us unnecessary discomfort, but they may also advance past the stage where treatment can offer any resolution.

Empower Physiotherapy prides itself on being available to have a chat to any guys who have a health issue that they just don’t feel comfortable going anywhere else with.

And if we can’t help you directly, we’ll put you into touch with someone who can! We are regularly involved in providing education, advice and/or treatment in the areas of prostate cancer, urinary incontinence, erectile dysfunction, and depression.
As ‘front-line’ health professionals, we take our responsibility of looking after our patients seriously. So if you visit us with a sore back, but mention some trouble with your ticker, low moods, or some concerning changes with your waterworks – we won’t just gloss over it. We will make sure you are equipped to know the answers to the who, what, where and how questions to get your other issues sorted.
With the expansion of Empower to include a state of the art Clinical Pilates Studio and Rehabilitation Gym, we now run a number of programs that are specifically geared towards assisting men to optimise their physical and mental health and well-being.

Please have a look at our current Gym Timetable for our “Men’s Health” sessions and if you’re interested, give us a call to book in!